User Documentation

Everything you’ve wanted to know about using YMCA Website Services.

These documents are a combination of the former YMCA Website Services Community User Documentation and the User Manual.

If you see something missing or would like to request a new topic, please open an issue.

Text Editor

Some fields in YMCA Website Services allow you to format your text with a WYSIWYG (What Your See Is What You Get) editor.

Page/Content Types

YMCA Website Services features many different kinds of pages, or content types. Choosing the right content type will ensure your collect the right information and allow you the flexibility to create layouts.


Blocks allow content editors to reuse sections of content across multiple pages.

Layout Builder


Embed simple text, images, blocks and interactive components with blocks, YMCA Website Services’s layout-building component.

Taxonomy, Vocabularies, and Terms

Group pieces of related content together for tagging, filtering, sorting and grouping.

Images and Documents

The media library stores images and files, allowing you to have custom cropping, focal pointing, folders and image styles.


Beyond just a basic contact form, Drupal’s robust webforms features allow you to build interactive webforms with logic-based questions, built-in animation fields and a submissions manager.

Virtual Y

Virtual YMCA allows members and other authorized users to enjoy exclusive content for their local Y.

Content Editing Basics

Demo Content

The distribution comes with demo content to help kick-start your site building.


Guide prospective members through the join process.


The distribution provides two separate applications for managing schedules at your YMCA.

Last modified June 18, 2024: fix: Clean up broken links (7c72e95f)